Send a note to a military PTSD patient

Thanks for being willing to support our veteran PTSD patients. Your anonymous responses, if approved by our moderators, will be featured on televisions in acute military trauma treatment wards at Salt Lake Behavioral Health.

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What? You, too? I thought I was the only one.’” -C.S. Lewis


I ended up finding stability and happiness. There was a time I didn’t think that was possible.

One of my favorite quotes by Victor Frankel is “What is to give light must endure burning.” There will always be hard days. You will always find reasons to want to give up and feel like you would be better off if you didn’t have to endure anymore. In these times remember that someone out there needs you. You may not know who they are but someone needs you. Once you get through the “burning” it is always worth it and you will be stronger and happier for it. 

Find a reason to stay – if not for yourself, for someone you haven’t met yet that needs you!

Times of no hope are like a big storm that comes into our lives and darkens it, then dumps on us and eventually lifts and the sunshine returns.  You are in a storm that will surely pass.  Hang in there, Hang on, and keep walking in the rain.  A new brighter sunny day is just around the corner.  Stay with us!

I once heard that HOPE stands for Hold On, Pain Ends.

There was a time in my life when the only thing I could feel was fear and hopelessness. I don’t know why or how I got to that point but I realized I needed help. After getting professional & medical help, I began to recognize just how powerful thoughts were and that we all had the ability to either hold onto thoughts or discard them. My life has changed one thought at a time and has brought hope, light and peace.

Today is the best day to start over and breathe again so get up and open the curtains the time is today!

“Don’t let it take your soul
Look at me take control
When knowing to fight this war
This is nothing worth dying for
Are you ready to begin?
This is a battle that we are gonna win”
-Disturbed “A Reason to Fight”

I have been right where you are. It takes time but it does get easier. You will win.

Life can be terribly challenging, filled with trials and struggles. But there is much good and beauty in life. You are not alone. I would love to meet you someday, and share in your journey, and share some of my ups and downs. When I meet you I will be filled with love for you.

Learning how to love yourself begins with forgiving any mistakes you made and still deciding to love yourself despite them.

That’s what saved my life at 13 and I now am 20, still learning how and being patient with myself. It’s a process 🙂

I’m sorry you are in so much pain.
I’ve been in that painful spot before.
I guess that’s the important part.
There was a before, before I got help. And there is an after, an after, when with help, the darkness, sadness and pain gets lighter, hope is recovered. Hope is real, healing can happen, it gets better!

Are you struggling with thoughts of suicide? Call Salt Lake Behavioral Health at 801-264-6000 for a mental health assessment or just walk in. 

Share this opportunity! 

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Are you struggling with thoughts of suicide? Call Salt Lake Behavioral Health at 801-264-6000 for a mental health assessment or just walk in.