Contact us

If this is an emergency please call 9-1-1 or go to the nearest emergency room. 


3802 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT 84015


Send us a message

To schedule a no-cost assessment or for more information, please call 801-455-3431 or use the form below. Walk-ins are welcome, and appointments can also be made. We respect your privacy and hold all information discussed in the strictest confidence.

    Refer a Patient

    For our 30-day drug rehabilitation program, Courage to Change, call 801-455-3431 or email [email protected]

    To refer a patient for adult psych, or medical detox, call 801-264-6000.

    For the military trauma program, Strong Hope, call 801-850-1982 or email [email protected].


    Better Health Care is Our Mission

    24/7 service. Same Day Appointments are Available.



    3802 S 700 E Salt Lake City, UT, 84106